Below are a number of really useful organisations and that can help and support you to keep your family safe online.
Students have the privilege of using computers to support their learning. They also have access to computers after school in The Wilson Centre until 4.30pm.
Each time our students log on they agree to the school ‘Acceptable use Policy' which requires them to act responsibly when using the network and the Internet.
Students are expected to be responsible users of the Internet.
A guide for parents and carers
Be aware, your child may be a target of cyber bullying or even a cyber bully. Be alert to your child seeming upset after using the Internet or their mobile phone. This might involve subtle comments or changes in relationships with friends. They might be unwilling to talk or be secretive about their online activities and mobile phone use.
Talk with your children and understand the ways in which they are using the Internet and their mobile phone.
Use the tools on the service and turn on in-built Internet safety features.
Remind your child not to retaliate but to report.
Save the evidence - learn how to keep records of offending messages.
Report cyber bulling, contact us at school if it involves another student, so we can take the appropriate action.
Always respect others - be careful what you say online.
Think before you send - whatever you send cannot be called back.
Block the bully - learn how to block someone who is behaving badly.