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Student in music lesson taking guitar from the wall

At Saints Peter and Paul, we see Music as a universal language which translates across the world. Our Music curriculum will foster creativity, experimentation, resilience whilst building confidence and supporting the well-being of all students. Music nurtures the individual and builds a mastery of teamwork and leadership. Through engagement students discover a love and tolerance of the wider world supported with a sound knowledge of the social commentary and context of music over time. ‘You know what music is? God’s little reminder that there is something else besides us in this universe. Harmonic connection between all living beings, everywhere, even the stars’ (Robin Williams) 



Music is a valuable subject for all, whether you are a gifted musician or have never engaged in music. Music’s place in education has important wider benefits on personal and social development building your confidence, self- esteem, sense of achievement and ability to relate to others. The study of Music is important becomes Music is an important component of our human experience. Whether singing, playing, or listening, the study of Music helps you listen and hear in new ways. Music is an international and universal language which pervades our daily lives. Although we do not share the same traditions, tastes or values, music is present and has value in everybody’s life. Music offers many things to everyone at varying levels, as does a music education. Music plays an important role in school life both inside and outside of lessons and allows all students to develop a wide range of skills and offers opportunities to enjoy live music experiences and participate in music making within a range of genres. 



The Music curriculum has been created to offer our students a range of musical experiences. By studying Music in school students are provided with a safe environment to explore and develop their creativity and expressive freedom, to cultivate musical skills and understand how musical experiences can benefit them personally. 

The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, 
    genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and 

  • Learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and 
    with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology 
    appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical 

  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including 
    through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, 
    structure and appropriate musical notations. 


The Music curriculum and OCHL at our school is designed to nurture the skills and knowledge required to foster these beliefs with our students and ignite their creativity. Music lessons and extra-curricular activities provides students with the opportunity to experience music through Performing, Composing and Listening learning activities. By enabling our students to access and study a range of music over a range of cultures, historical context, and styles, they can become musicians who have an appreciation for, and an awareness of musical and cultural conventions. Our students are provided with opportunities to participate in and showcase their talents at a range of events across the academic year and are supported to grow as musicians, as well as balanced individuals, through the study of Music. Music aims to build students’ confidence in themselves; to be responsible and care for equipment and their environment; to respect others as they work and collaborate; and show respect when performing to their peers, allowing everyone to do their best. Students who are involved in the wider curriculum and opportunities past the classroom will also have the opportunity to be Bronze, Silver and Gold Music leaders. 




Music education is widely considered to promote and nurture many desirable traits and life skills that young people need to develop to become positive, contributing members of society, leaders, and creative thinkers. Beyond the fundamental value of music to cultures worldwide, music education has been proven to equip students with essential abilities to learn skills, enhance academic success and develop superior working memory. All of which transfer across all other subject areas by improving ability to recall and retain verbal information and enhancing thinking skills. Also allowing students to develop capacities, skills and knowledge that is essential for lifelong success, such as fostering resilience, perseverance, creativity, confidence, self-esteem, and an ability to communicate in different ways. Our passionate musicians are able develop and prepare to pursue careers further study in Music in careers in the Arts. 

The Music curriculum and OCHL at our school is designed to nurture the skills and knowledge required to foster these beliefs with our students and ignite their creativity. Music lessons and extra-curricular activities provides students with the opportunity to experience music through Performing, Composing and Listening based learning activities. By enabling our students to access and study a range of music over a range of cultures, historical context, and styles, they can become musicians who have an appreciation for, and an awareness of musical and cultural conventions. Our students are provided with opportunities to participate in and showcase their talents at a range of events across the academic year and are supported to grow as musicians, as well as balanced individuals, through the study of Music. Music aims to build students’ confidence in themselves; to be responsible and care for equipment and their environment; to respect others as they work and collaborate; and show respect when performing to their peers, allowing everyone to do their best. 

As a school we believe in, and promote, traditional British values of respect for all and freedom for the individual, an understanding and celebration of diverse culture and religious beliefs and opportunity to make the most of individual students’ talents. 

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