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Parents' evenings are a chance to discuss how your children are doing in class and in school generally with their teachers.

School cloud Image

We use School Cloud  as our parents' evening booking system, it's an easy to use website for parents and carers.  



  • Prior to Parents' Evening a detailed email will be sent home notifying parents and carers what date/time bookings will go live and how to login to School Cloud and make your appointments

  • ‘Cut off’ for making appointments will detailed in the parents evening letter

To make your appointments:

  • Browse to 

  • Log in with the following information to make your appointments:

    • Your name

    • Email address (use the email address that school uses to communicate with you)

    • Student’s Name (use preferred name)

    • Student’s Date of Birth

  • Once you’ve finished booking your appointments an email confirmation will be sent to you

  • If you wish to amend your appointments this can be done in School Cloud

Parents Evening dates are listed on this page.  If you have any issues or questions regarding this process please contact the school or email:

Parents' Evening / Progress Days

​Detailed information will be sent home prior to the Parents’ Evening date.  This will detail when the online bookings will go live and close.

Key Dates

Bookings open
Bookings close
Thursday 2nd May 2024
Thursday 18th April at 9.00am
Wednesday 1st May at 12.00 PM
Wednesday 27th March 2024
Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 9am
Tuesday 26th March 2004 at 12 noon
Wednesday 12th June 2024
Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 9am
Tuesday 11th June 2024 at 12 noon
Thursday 14th March 2024
Wednesday 28th February 2024 at 9am
Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 12 noon
Thursday 11th January 2024
Friday 15th December 2023, 12 noon
Wednesday 10th January 2024, 12 noon
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