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Mrs Scott

It is an absolute privilege to introduce myself as the Principal of Saints Peter & Paul Catholic High School.

Our school is a wonderful place of education. In July 2022, we were delighted to be once again awarded 'Good' status by Ofsted, recognising the high quality of teaching in our school, the pastoral support we provide to our children, and our ambitious subject curriculum.  Following this inspection, we are continuing to invest in our students and transform the school at all levels to aspire even further. 

Over the last few years our results have hit new heights, placing us as one of the highest attaining secondary schools in Halton. These results have proven that our students can always reach new heights of excellence, no matter what challenges they are faced with.  What you see here is students achieving academic excellence, the highest standards of conduct and behaviour and an exciting and diverse curriculum. Everyone in our community is proud to be part of ‘P&P’ as we fondly call it and the staff, students and parents work hard in partnership to ensure it is a place of excellence and opportunity. I am confident that when our students leave us at the end of Year 11, they enter the world with only the sky as their limit. 


We are a Salesian Fellowship Catholic school and quite often we get asked 'what does it mean to be a Catholic school?'  Catholic schools prioritise the formation of the whole child, we focus our work on enabling every student to be the best version of themselves so that they can live a full life. The Salesian way inspires us to ensure every child feels loved and cared for and our staff have a wonderful way of creating this atmosphere in every lesson and interaction. This was captured in our most recent Ofsted inspection report in which students told inspectors they are ‘proud to attend Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School’ and that they ‘feel well cared for and are valued for who they are.’ We welcome students from every background, and we believe that this creates the rich and inclusive fabric of our community. 


The values we hold dear are Respect, Compassion and Aspiration and we expect our students to live out these values every day. The warm, welcoming and joyful atmosphere is always commented on by visitors to our school. There is a very special community spirit here that is tangible in every interaction. Collectively, we operate as a team that always goes the extra mile to understand and support our young people and their families. 


While there are lots of things about P&P that I am proud of, for me our ‘unique feature’ is how the individual skills and interests of each of our students are nurtured and encouraged. Every student is unique, and therefore their learning journey should be designed to capture and nurture their gifts, talents and interests to help them shine. We focus on exposing our young people to opportunities and experiences that help them find their passion in life and place in the world.

At Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School you will find an educational experience that will prepare children to succeed in the top universities or support them in pathways to achieve more vocational or practical routes into further education, employment or training. The quality and breadth of our curriculum is evidenced through the success of our students. Over the past few years, they have gone on to some of the most reputable vocational providers, as well as the top academic destinations in the country, such as Oxford and Cambridge universities. 

Widespread renovation work has taken place at the school over the last few years to ensure that school meets our high standards, in order to allow learning to flourish. This is a continuous process, and we are determined to always ensure we are the best we can be. 


With an increasing number of opportunities being introduced both within and beyond the classroom to enrich the lives of students, the prospects for both the school and its students are wide-ranging indeed. 


Over recent years we have seen the success that comes from working in partnership with parents who are invested in the academic journey and personal growth of their children and are fully supportive of the school's ethos. We are honoured to welcome and work with the families we serve and together we look forward to an incredibly bright future for the students of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School.  


If you have any questions about the education provision at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic High School, then please contact us directly via


Yours faithfully 

Mrs D Scott 



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