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Students area  - where you will find details about the school day, home study, trips, activities, useful links and details about our enrichment programme.

Home Study

At Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School we recognise the importance of home study in student progression. Studies show that students who complete good home study over Y7-11 make one year’s extra progress.  As a result we expect all our students to produce quality home study that meets the deadlines set by teachers.

Remote Learning

Saints Peter and Paul is committed to providing high quality remote learning for all.  We will provide parents, carers and students with all the information they will need for remote learning.

Students in geography lesson
Students performing a scene from Grease

Clubs & Activities

At Saints Peter and Paul we strive to offer an exciting programme of extended enrichment activities to develop students' learning opportunities beyond the classroom.

Using Office & Email

Students are able to log into their accounts by using the following link:

View How to Guide

Copying Down
Student - email
drama students taking part in a lesson


There are a number of really useful organisations and charities that can support how you are feeling. In addition to this there are also lots of apps that can support. 


It is our aim through rigorous safeguarding procedures, as well as our pastoral care that Saints Peter and Paul is an environment where students feel safe and supported in order to reach their potential.


During year 9 students will decide what subjects they want to study for their GCSE options. We are confident that every student at Saints Peter and Paul has the opportunity to study a broad and balanced curriculum which is tailored to students’ abilities, interests, talents and needs.  


You will find information and guidance on our dedicated 'Options' page.

Student in food lesson practical
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